Robert Stroup

Madame Bovary

By Robert Stroup / October 9, 2020

Laced in scandal at the time of its publication, Madame Bovary set the foreground for the realm of literature that would become known as literary realism. A simple tale in execution, Madame Bovary never relents. As Emma progresses from farmer’s daughter to marriage to adultery and infidelity, we never truly lose a sense of who Emma is. Rather…

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By Robert Stroup / October 9, 2020

How do words incite movements? What is strength, freedom, and peace? Can one believe two contradictory thoughts and agree to both? These are underlying questions at the root of George Orwell’s apocalyptic vision in 1984. Through Newspeak, citizens are divided into inner and outer parties and proles; the world is divided into three world states and historical facts…

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